Steve Turner
Care Navigator
Steve Turner began his professional career as a nurse at St George's Hospital in London in 1981, eventually specialising in mental health. He also spent a decade working on hospital clinical systems.
In 1999 he returned to the NHS, successfully revamping the Information and Technology department at an NHS Trust prior to a trust merger. The brief for this role was to make information technology work for patients. Steve is registered general and registered mental health nurse and independent prescriber; he has a Ba(Hons) in Social policy and a P.G. Dip Ed in Clinical Education.
In 2002 Steve returned to clinical practice becoming a nurse prescriber in a Mental Health Assertive Outreach Team, working with vulnerable people in the community.
In 2008 Steve set up his own company specialising in inter-disciplinary working, clinical education, and patient engagement. Steve also teaches at Plymouth University and is Mental Health Topic Lead for the Patient Safety Learning Hub.
Steve has successfully piloted, ‘patient-led clinical education and patient led clinical reviews’ This novel approach helps patients to lead on their own care and successfully navigate the complexity of health and care services.
Steve’s digital footprint: https://linktr.ee/stevemedgov
Care Navigation
I use my wide and unusual experience across the healthcare sector to offer one-to-one consultations on care navigation. Whilst these sessions are not therapy, they do deliver practical advice on how to have the most effective consultations with clinical people, identify and negotiate around the available services, and find the most appropriate approaches to your care.
I also offer practical group sessions on ‘My Medicines’. In these sessions we look generally at medicines (of all types from all sources) and their uses. The session covers interactions and side effects; where to find reliable information on medicines; myths about medicines; why at least 50% of us don’t take our medicines as prescribed; whether medicines are necessary, safely stopping and starting medicines; and how to have a productive consultation with prescribers and agree a plan.
‘We are our own best experts. My colleagues and I have been working on ways to put people in charge of their own healthcare. Nowhere is this more important than for people with a variety of conditions or illnesses (the jargon for this is ‘multimorbidity’).
'Only you know what it’s like to be you and to have to deal with illnesses that affect you. We are all best experts in our own care. Our work supports this with trusted information, and resources.’