Following the success of our all day wellbeing event in March, we are delighted to share a summarised sneak preview of our next few months of online and in person workshops.
We are thrilled to be bringing you some more nourishing holistic wellbeing services to enhance your wellbeing and welfare. Our wonderful team of experts will provide more valuable resources to help you flourish in all areas of your life.
Some of the new workshops are in person but most are online. More details about each workshop will be posted on our blog posts and event calander over the coming weeks.
Group sessions for April, May, June and July...
Introduction to mindfulness
Chair yoga
Finance workshops - Providing budgeting support and resources
Guided meditations
Grief support sessions
Anxiety and stress relief techniques and resources
Sleep Well workshop
Guided self exploratory movement medicine
Menopause holistic support and resources
Remember to contact us directly at if you also need any one to one sessions with any of the practitioners.
