The Flourishing Well is a registered charity that provides therapies and holistic wellbeing workshops to those who would like to benefit from them. We are a constituted community group of kindred spirits who have lived experiences of physical or mental health issues, holistic wellbeing practitioners, chefs, teachers, nurses and carers.
The objectives of The Flourishing Well are for the relief of those in need by reason of ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. We aim to empower those who have experienced trauma, those who have long term ilness or chronic conditions to access appropriate care, treatment, holistic health care and wellbeing activites to help them to improve and maintain their physical and mental health.
The Flourishing Well is delighted to announce their first online workshop which was held on 26 July 2020. It was led by Maria Doherty who is a Flower and Vibrational Essences Practitioner and complementary therapist. Maria also works as an Occupational Therapist in the NHS. Her passion is to help enhance emotional wellbeing in children and adults.
Maria works with flower and vibrational essences to help raise confidence, self esteem, release fears, anxieties, help gain clarity and manage stress. Flower essences are safe to use and do not interfere with orthodox medication.
In this workshop Maria began with a brief description of the heart chakra, what it feels like when it is in balance and harmony (unconditional love of self and others, empathy and compassion) and what may cause it to be out of balance e.g. grief, hurt, abuse, relationship difficulties, fear of intimacy and loneliness. They looked at the various flower and vibrational essences that can help to balance and harmonise the heart chakra. The second part of the workshop included guided meditations involving a visit to a secret garden where you can connect with trees and flowers and let go of any emotions that no longer serve you.
You can read more about Maria's work at
This workshop usually costs £25 and The Flourishing Well provided funding for 6 places for individuals who were financially challenged.
This event was FULLY BOOKED! For future events, a waiting list will be available, and this workshop will be repeated at a later date.
Please book your space by emailing
View the events calendar for more events by The Flourishing Well here.
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