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‘My Medicines’ Group session on Zoom - Lead by Steve Turner. Tuesday 18 May 12:00 - 14:00

The Flourishing Well are delighted to offer funded places for Steve's 'My Medicines' group sessions.

In this session Steve will cover...

What do you need to know about your medicines?

Are they all necessary?

What should I know?

What should I ask?

Where do I find reliable information?

How do I get the most out of my appointments?

Where do I find out more?

"I'm delighted to be starting with The Flourishing Well as a Care Navigator delivering workshops that help #patients lead on our own care. Bringing #socialprescribing and clinical #prescribing together. Recognising that patients are the best experts in our own care."

In this interactive session we explore medicines and treatments from all angles, focusing on the areas that matter to you most.

The objectives of the session are:

• To learn useful information about your medicines and treatments.

• To learn about side-effects, allergies, sensitivities & interactions, so you can have productive two-way discussions with you prescriber.

• To identify useful and reliable sources of information about medicines and treatments.

• To share and learn about other sources of information and support, local, national, international.

• To help you get the best support from health professionals and have conversations with them as an equal.

• To enable you to make a plan & take charge of your care and share this effectively with everyone who supports you.

"The session will be geared to your requirements and you are welcome to ask any questions. The session covers general issues about medicines and treatments we recognise that some may have more detailed questions related to your specific medicines and treatments and the service you use and may require an individual session. These can be arranged."

Examples of the topics we cover include:

• What is a medicine?

• What are my medicines prescribed for?

• Are medicines safe?

• What are alternatives?

• Myths and facts about side-effects

• Stopping and tapering off medicines safely

• Do I need all these medicines?

• How can I reduce them safely?

• Are all medicines addictive?

• Do I need more to have the same effect?

• Prescribed medicines and street drugs

• Buying medicines online

• Sharing or borrowing medicines

• Making a plan & working with clinical people

You can see some of the materials from the course here:

This course was developed in the South West and is included as a NICE Shared Learning example:

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