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Stress and Anxiety Relief Workshop


Updated: Jun 28, 2022


For your enhanced wellbeing.

In-person on Saturday 9 July from 1pm to 5pm at

St. Cyrus Public Hall, Main Road, St, Cyrus, DD10 OBA

Enjoy a half day of nourishing, relaxing, immersive stress and anxiety relief workshops and sessions in person!

The day will comprise of:

Lorna’s stress and anxiety relief EFT, Aromatherapy and Therapeutic tea

The first couple of hours will be facilitated by Lorna who will help participants make their own unique blend of aromatherapy oils to provide relief from stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system down, regulating breathing and creating an internal environment of relaxation and calmness.

Lorna will also teach participants how to use Emotional Freedom Technique to alleviate stressful symptoms and create homeostasis.

EFT is an amazing resource which helps to stimulate the feel good chemicals, creating a calm environment within, it defuses the negative chemical stress response which creates distressing symptoms of anxiety. This fusion of modern psychology and ancient Chinese acupressure has completely eradicated all symptoms within so many people in a remarkable short period of time! It has been clinically proven in randomised controlled trials to have provided a significant decrease in cortisol levels which facilitated a reduction in symptoms for people with PTSD, anxiety and depression. Its quantitative evidence based effective practice has not only been proven in multiple meta-analysis studies, but there’s also remarkably positive results been recorded on brain scans.

Milena will guide you through a Sound Bath

In this session you will learn a simple Humming Technique followed by a Sound Bath. Humming practice can be used in our every-day life to calm our mind, lower anxiety and our stress levels.

Benefits of humming:

Increased Nitric Oxide Levels – a molecule which enhances our immune system, our cardiovascular and respiratory system. It has a broad antimicrobial effect against viruses, fungi and bacteria.
Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us to relax, lowers cortisol levels, inflammation, anxiety and improves our digestion and mood.
Increased Lymphatic Circulation
Increased Melatonin levels

What is a Sound Bath?

A Sound Bath is a type of energy healing that promotes healing from stress disorders, pain, depression and creates a perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking and enhances awareness of mind/body connection.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Therapy uses sound, music, voice and specialist instruments like Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drum, chimes and other instruments which are played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing.



“The EFT session was so helpful with a range of emotions that were affecting me in such a negative way, I was then able to deal with them, which brought forth such positive results, the aromatherapy oils made such a difference too."

“Reduced anxiety all round with all the group in such a short space of time! The EFT was incredibly helpful! Very interesting seeing the positive effect it had on me with everything I’m dealing with. Absolutely loved how Lorna’s aromatherapy skills helped me chose my unique blend of essential oils and the stress relieving tea was wonderful addition too.”

“I was amazed at how quickly my symptoms of anxiety improved with EFT; within 20 mins the intensity came down from a 9/10 to a 1/10”

“Thank you Milena, a truly wonderful nurturing and healing space you created, as usual.”

“I was blown away by the sound session, felt so welcomed and relaxed in everyone’s presence and went on to feel uplifted for the rest of the day. Thank you so much.”

“Milena’s sound baths are little piece of heaven on Sunday morning. I can’t recommend them highly enough.”


Ticket options to book your place for this fabulous half day workshop:

There are just 12 tickets available as follows:

5 complimentary

5 subsidised at £35

2 help self help others at £70

-------------------------------------------------------------- Any queries to: View the events calendar for more events by The Flourishing Well

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