Join Tom on Saturday 3rd December at St Cyrus Village Hall, DD10 0BG to recharge and wrap your self up in rhythm before Christmas for a 2-hour amazing music making workshop where he will have us all quickly drumming together.
Tom from Rhythm to a T is a djembe drummer, which is the great passion in his life.
He was having a difficult time of it when he began drumming in 2008 and instantly found it offered peace and hope, it turned his life completely around.
He is living proof of the power of music and now runs lots of community music making workshops, to pass on the benefits of drumming and to help people find a better day.
His workshops are easy to take part in as it is an instant thing to do, and no experience is necessary. It is always fun and he uses percussion and singing too.
Tom has drummed with a baby of 1 year to a lady in her 90’s so it is really an activity for everyone!
He offers fun games and exercises and we will also explore the world of percussion where we will join together in a gorgeous and imaginative Rainforest soundscape.
Come along if you are curious and take part in something different. Perhaps you have drummed at some other time and would like to sit down in a larger setting. Whatever the reason, let’s get together & make our own community and music.
Tom promises you a fabulous afternoon!
Drumming is good for everyone and the recognised benefits are:
Boosts wellbeing
Meditative and reflective
Helps tension and stress
Improves focus
Promotes creativity
Builds community
It’s fun!
This is a fully funded event from The Flourishing Well, 20 complimentary tickets are available.
Location: St Cyrus Village Hall, Station Road, St Cyrus, Montrose, DD10 0BG
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